Redemption of a Love Affair Turned Sour

The day was March 28, 1999, when I stood to “officially” preach my first sermon. I was nervous and yet convinced that I had been called as I stood before a packed church and declared what thus said The Lord.  That day for me, and surely for all that have embraced this daunting task, will forever be etched in my soul. My sermon title was “Redemption of a Love Affair Turned Sour” from John 21:15-17.  Sigh. Double sigh. Dr. Renita Weems and perhaps others have offered that we only ever really preach “one” sermon. Since then, I have been working on that one sermon, and the work can be daunting and almost elusive if one has not found a safe place. Be clear that this pursuit, this journey, can be lonely and make you ‘wanna holler’ and throw up both your hands and question whether you were ever really called.  

That’s why I am especially grateful and appreciative of the mission of WomanPreach! Inc. We offer a safe place whereby sisters and brothers can come and discover their voice, fine-tune their voice and use their voice to decry injustices, to offer hope even if there is just one string left, to declare amidst pain and suffering that there is a God and She/He cares. 

The mandate of WomanPreach! Inc. is revolutionary, relational, and radically inclusiveness. Toni Morrison said she gets “angry about some things and then goes on and work.” WomanPreach! allows for holy rage, encourages the preacher to do the work, and then empowers them to go out and turn over the proverbial tables they bump into. This is necessary work!!!


Rev. Dr. Genetta Hatcher

Rev. Dr. Genetta Hatcher is the Vice Chair of the WomanPreach! Inc. Board.


A Prayer for Those Leading While Grieving


The WomanPreach! Collaborative Way