welcome to the WISDOM ARCHIVE

Leaders worth following. Sisters worth loving.
When you know good people, deeply good people, you have to celebrate them. I can’t roll up to Dr. Bridgeman or Aimée with a bottle of champagne and cupcakes (heeeeey, Candace!!! Happy Birthday again, fam), but I can write this.
On Dr. Bridgeman: “If you have been shaped, loved, or even slightly changed by her presence in this world, you know what a wonder her light is. Happy Birthday, Dr. B.”
On Aimée Laramore: “She is brilliant and just utterly delightful. Like, you still want to be around her if you haven’t had your coffee, and it was a long week delightful. She’s an amazing partner and an incredible friend.”

A Prayer for Those Leading While Grieving
When we lose anyone, there are varying degrees of closeness to the center of the loss. For some of us, the loss is meaningful because our learning, thinking, being, and ministry were shaped by their work. For some, they lost a mentor, a family member, a friend, and a colleague. And that loss is profound.

Redemption of a Love Affair Turned Sour
Dr. Renita Weems and perhaps others have offered that we only ever really preach “one” sermon. Since then, I have been working on that one sermon, and the work can be daunting and almost elusive if one has not found a safe place…That’s why I am especially grateful and appreciative of the mission of WomanPreach!

The WomanPreach! Collaborative Way
Relationship brought me to WP!, and relationship is the gift of the WP! way.

“Finding YOUR Prophetic Voice”: The Changing Melody of Preaching
Dr. Bridgeman said, “…as we approach the text and the task of preaching, we MUST ask ourselves, WHAT DOES GOD SOUND LIKE IN YOUR OWN THROAT”. This question has shaped how I listen for the Divine and how the trumpet will sound when I am the one playing its truth – either as an instrument of God’s peace or as a holy disrupter, whether from behind the sacred desk as Pastor or within the global arena as a human rights advocate.

I believe I’ll Run On: A Reflection on this Powerful Work
This year has been a ride! Like every organization, WomanPreach! has learned the gift and grief of Zoom work and continued to build our community, which we gladly call #WomanPreachNation. This “nation” consists of people (all genders) who come alongside us by participating in a program, giving to our work, and sharing our work with other people.