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Leaders worth following. Sisters worth loving.
Recipe Min. Jené A. Colvin Recipe Min. Jené A. Colvin

Leaders worth following. Sisters worth loving.

When you know good people, deeply good people, you have to celebrate them. I can’t roll up to Dr. Bridgeman or Aimée with a bottle of champagne and cupcakes (heeeeey, Candace!!! Happy Birthday again, fam), but I can write this.

On Dr. Bridgeman: “If you have been shaped, loved, or even slightly changed by her presence in this world, you know what a wonder her light is. Happy Birthday, Dr. B.”

On Aimée Laramore: “She is brilliant and just utterly delightful. Like, you still want to be around her if you haven’t had your coffee, and it was a long week delightful. She’s an amazing partner and an incredible friend.”

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Generosity makes a lasting impact