God’s Prophetic Vessel: A Woman Breaks In
Mark 14:3-9 (NIV)
3 While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.
4 Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume?
5 It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly.
6 “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.
7 The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.
8 She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.
9 Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
A Prelude to Planned Violence
“But not during the [Passover] festival,’ they said, ‘or the people may riot.’” (Mk. 14:2 NIV)
The writer Mark begins chapter fourteen with a prelude to planned violence — a plot against the life and ministry of Jesus. Some of the chief priests and scribes were “scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him.” (Mk. 14:1) In the verses that follow this disturbing prelude to violence, Mark reveals the in-breaking of God made manifest through a woman’s bold, prophetic action. She perceives the call to do a good work, and as they plot, she prepares.
God’s Prophetic Vessel: A Woman Breaks In
Her name — is unknown.
Her feet — are guided to a certain place.
Her eyes — search for Jesus.
Her hands — cradle an ornate alabaster jar of very expensive perfume — it is oil of nard and
worth about a year’s wages.
Her mind — is steadfast on her daring task.
This woman breaks into Mark’s narrative on the wings of the Spirit after hearing a whisper from
within, “Go and anoint.”
Her ears — are attuned to receive a prophetic word.
Her heart — is open to the Spirit’s call to prepare.
Her memory — cradles the message of Jesus,
“Keep watch!”
The Spirit within her speaks,
“You are called for such a time as this;
to act in this moment —
to perform this sacred ritual.
Go and anoint!”
Her feet, breaking free of societal constraints, ushered
Her in — uninvited to the home of a man named Simon.
Her eyes — find and become stayed on
Her feet approach Jesus at the table fellowship.
Her hands break open the alabaster jar.
Her arms raise her horn of oil.
Her heart utters a silent prayer.
Her hands make small movements, guiding the flow of the lavish, perfumed oil.
Her eyes watch it spill out on the head of a reclining and receptive
Jesus — exhales and welcomes the reverent gesture.
The pores of his skin — open to the feel of the oil.
His eyes — close.
Jesus — inhales and receives the rich scent with gratitude.
He breathes in — the loving gesture.
Jesus — takes time to savor the moment, wrapped in needed, sacred rest.
In His mind — this woman prophet well delivered.
“She did what she could.”
And her prophetic ministry is what he needed before
his feet — led him to the cross.
Her good work is what he needed before
his body — is laid in the tomb.
In the face of an indignant, swollen audience
This woman, a true prophetess, perceives what others miss —
She perceives the “Light of Truth.”
She heeds the move of the Spirit.
The felt whisper — that is the, often unexpected, call of
Her ears caught wind of their indignant jeers.
Her fingers tightened with determination around the base of the broken jar.
Her stomach turned as they mounted their vile attack, saying to one another,
“Why waste such expensive perfume?
It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages
and the money given to the poor.”
Her lips mouth her silent prayer,
“Jesus — help me.”
The Spirit of Truth fills her thoughts —
“They misuse the principled and valued action
of giving to our impoverished neighbors as a
pretext to admonish your exemplary act of ministry
and unequivocal declaration of
who Jesus is.”
Her lungs took in the fresh air of truth.
Her feet stood firm as
Her attuned ear perceived the next word.
“Finish the task, beloved.
Stand firm in the will of God.”
The Spirit keeps on
speaking truth within her.
Her hands cradle the broken jar as it releases
the last of the fragrant oil on the
head of Jesus.
(Jesus Takes a Stand)
Amid the indignant jeers and harsh rebuke,
Jesus takes a stand.
“Leave her alone!”
Jesus rises with an indignant reprimand.
“Why are you troubling her?
She has done a good work toward me.
She has poured perfume on my body —
beforehand to prepare for my burial.”
As the oil from her adorned horn runs down his head,
the word of
Jesus — takes a stand.
His words spill over and anoint — her,
just as her fragrant oil anointed — Jesus.
Jesus takes a stand.
His words are a rich renewal;
A sweet savor to her ears —
permeating the air,
covering the odor of malicious attack
on her person and her sacred ritual.
Jesus takes a stand!
“Leave her alone!
She has done a beautiful thing to me.”
Jesus takes a stand.
He speaks —
Truth…and all fall silent.
Jesus takes a stand.
Jesus, standing firm — speaks again.
“Truly I tell you,
wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world,
what she has done will also be told,
in memory of her.”
Her bold action and
Her ministry demonstrate a deep knowing.
Her prophetic awareness
of Jesus — and the hour
shine like a true beacon.
“In remembrance of her.”
Her legacy — connects with the
foregoing preached word of God.
And on her behalf —
Jesus stands.
And He prophesies to our future proclamation of
Her daring and prophetic action.
Woman, preach!
that the prophetic word of her legacy
comes to complete fulfillment.
As a way to remember her, and
the beautiful way she chose to remember Him.
Woman, preach!
Go, and anoint —
with Spirit-filled, life-giving words.
Anoint — with a message of healing and empowerment.
As exemplars of a
brilliant tradition of prophetic proclamation,
And embody a model of “In remembrance of…”
Woman, preach!
Do this in remembrance of Me…
Woman, preach!
To revive our families, communities, and nations.
For “whenever the good news is proclaimed,
what she has done — will be told
in the whole world
in remembrance of her.”
And so —
Let us break
the rigid jars of self-doubt and inadequacy.
Let us allow
the sweet anointing of the Spirit to saturate us —
from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet.
Let us break
every chain that confines us — and soar!
Let us soar
on the wings of freedom the Spirit provides.
May we break — free
from our alabaster jars,
and boldly go forth and anoint with
our various and authentic voices.
Woman, preach!
And through your good works, may
the Spirit of God break in.
Her name — is yours.
Her feet — trace a path for our affirmative steps.
Her eyes — provide a sightline to Jesus.
Her hands — are “full of good works” and cradle a sacred legacy of love.
Her memory — recalls her completed divine commission.
Her silent call — behooves us to preach!
Min. Aleah Gathings (she/her) is a teaching minister and spiritual director. Min. Aleah currently serves at Restoration Christian Fellowship and is passionate about studying and teaching the Scriptures. She is interested in the intersection of biblical studies, spiritual practice, and social justice.
Min. Aleah holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, a Juris Doctor from Loyola University Chicago, and a Master of Public Health from The George Washington University. Prior to seminary, Min. Aleah worked in public health policy and as an advocate for children living with trauma and other behavioral health conditions.